Ellie Rowe
Aiming High

Ellie to her friends,

Eleanor at home: whatever you called her, she was a remarkable individual who illuminated the lives of everyone around her. Blessed with unusual intelligence - she got 100% in history - how does that happen? - she used it in a variety of off-beat ways. Her heart effervesced with enthusiasm and compassion and her brain was a factory of invention: noticing the lonely new arrival at school she would not only befriend them but make them laugh over the puzzle of whether they would rather turn themselves into a bubble or to turn loud noises into cake. Eleanor's myriad ideas and dedication to carrying them out may have led to A level results which were less than satisfactory - though she was never to know what they were, as she tragically died a week before they came out. It's true, she did not get the anticipated row of A stars, but she was already a legend in her own lifetime. As for lunchtimes - they were forever full of commitments which ranged from public speaking to Lit Soc. She feared her results and was already planning a Gap year, already thinking about volunteering at Umbrella Nepal.

Physically Eleanor was energetic, strong and fit. Just a couple of weeks before she died, she completed a cycle-ride around Bulgaria, finishing off with a bungee-jump. Actually, she did not jump - she dived, uttering a war-cry as she plunged to earth.

Eleanor was an extraordinary individual who was always bubbling with ideas, enthusiasm, compassion and energy. We would like her legacy to be life and her name to be linked with education, adventure, humour and well-being. May all beings be happy.

For more on Eleanor, read this article

Wendy, Bradley, Iona and Belinda, Stormy and Tiger